Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/radosevic/public_html/SCT_poslovna_igra2/grupa5/SCT_32_Autogenerator.cgi", line 1014, in rjecnik[file]=open_u_open2(rjecnik[file]) #čitanje rječnika umjesto datoteke KeyError: 'output/manager.cgi' ERROR! --> -->
<type 'exceptions.NameError'>
Python 2.7.16: /usr/bin/python
Sun Dec 22 18:27:37 2024

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /home/radosevic/public_html/SCT_poslovna_igra2/grupa5/SCT_32_Autogenerator.cgi in <module>()
   1036       #print rjecnik.keys()
   1037     sys.exit(0)
   1038 except:
=> 1039     objekt.izvjestaj()
   1040     #kraj_stranice()
objekt undefined

<type 'exceptions.NameError'>: name 'objekt' is not defined
      args = ("name 'objekt' is not defined",)
      message = "name 'objekt' is not defined"